Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I don't need a James Bond
"Shaken not stirred"
Globe-trotting, yacht-hopping,
helicoptering adventure to take
me away,
Simply feeling- quite sincerely, and severely
that this man right here needs
an escape

From the mundane,
from Monday-
from the routine I feel
has made a prisoner
of me- can I break free,
find exploration
be Samuel De Champlain

Cloak me in a novel's page,
wrap me up in a
comic book hero's cape
'cause facing 'today'
makes even the most creative
captivating mind
want to Silvia Plath
a toaster, plugged-in
and then hop in their
bubble bath

Marco- with eyes closed,
cries out loudly, in search of
Wants meaning to this reach
in the dark for unknown
factions tell us to keep scratching
at opportunity's door
America rallies- "WAR, WAR, WAR!!"
but never satisfaction reached
by victory, always crave
greater- can we ever once stop
to question what's root of
reason for invasion?
Who/what are we fighting

Magellan and Columbus
would be proud now-
'cause every single day,
I see people all around me
pretending to be
conquerers- yet they've never
pioneered a single thought,
or led even a tiny, scenic
expedition to the Sea
of originality

Just non-factually lying themselves
into stolen identity,
false sense of security
I tell them-
keep masquerading
as what they wish to be
'cause reality can
be crushing

Hello humble buddy,
don't be glum- you're actually in the
this country's paved by those who
only care for personal glory
So just keep on spitting rhetoric,
claiming pious prophecy,
throwing c-4 bombs at civilians' feet,
debating and impersonating
true great men
impostor of philosophy

Ding dong;
hey there, fellow neighbor!
or Treat
this is no
Happy Halloween

(c) Paul LaTorre 2010

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