Wednesday, May 26, 2010

To Play God as a Teen

Tightrope walk-
This truth or dare, a conundrum
in this marathon-she may swim 'til her lungs flood
First sign of trouble
Sees a plus held up
by a loved one

On this cold tile floor- three hearts beat
Voice exclaiming
'Hold it up, give me your pee'
Cousin's eyes widen in excitement
What's to be expected, but to panic
Loose lips sink ships
Fate may feign this the Titanic

Crawling fear, like parasites
Porcelain plays the part of a canvas.

Two hearts beat- unprepared,
who isn't there?
One heart never speaks- but always listens,
truth or dare.

What would you do?
Cold sweats
appointment surveyed and set
Two days past yesterday
Yet her final lament,
still not placed in cement

Visit the clinic?
Or even better- leave it to rest...
Preacher man say- 'Hang your head,
you should feel shame...Stand up for what you did
Reap the reprecussions
Shoulder the blame- wear the mark on your frame.
Carry it with you 36 plus weeks
Don't speak of redemption until you sew all wounds
From which you've reaped.'

Judgement- not his to make
Hold opinions, but they're yours to keep
Life changed, one way or another-
Listening to two hearts beat.

Should HE have any say-
Or does solely SHE hold key?
Not simple as 'them or me'
The killswitch within her reach.

Choosing whether it grows, or flies tomorrow...
permanence seems hollow,
but for now- maternal
lullabies baby to sleep
thumping to the beat-
Two hearts beating in sync.

(c) Paul LaTorre 2009

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