Tuesday, August 10, 2010


There's really no
in living in a bubble

Circular paths have no
end, but the beginning is
where you decide to stop
going through daily motions
of routine- a repetitive
scheme of life's struggle

If this existence is
what you make it
take that bull by the balls
and shake its sack- reign
him in by the horns and
create days of remarkable
note, on which you can
look back

Gestate inside that soapy
piece of real estate
float on high with eyes
open- and don't blow it

If you adhere to all your
and let that feeling
render you helpless
you can't conquer the
binding chains that
hold you
that encompassing structure
of a sphere
that controls you

Sometimes it's best to
scrap the safety net,
not caring what may
come next

Let's make love
and be loved
because if that is
all you need

A passion for something
greater than self, a calling
& a rebellious philosophy
is how to obliterate
the chamber of

Pop the bubble that's
holding you back
greet gravity
turn the key

Fear may hold you
hostage, but
falling will
set you

(c) Paul LaTorre 2010

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