Not that I enjoy it,
but when we argue-
it's beautiful
So refreshing,
pleasant and intense
can sting the senses
just like ripened
citrus fruits
We devour one another
layer after layer
we're fresh-picked
Florida grove harvest grown
gems from heaven
shrubs of evergreen
sprout them, and when
you and I are scratching
each other's back
it's a full body bath's
worth of citric acid
two tongues lashing
Tearing at skin
of the most soursweet
grapefruit, let me dive into
your rinds
rip peels to shreds,
strip you naked
exposing flesh lets both
you and I feel
Will you slice into my
Persian lime?
then we two can
form some new species
of pomelo formed
from our yelling, led
to agrume groomed
tangerine trees of
I'll strap you to the
kitchen table like a crate
of Orangelo
peel you gently, then
I'll have my way with you
A body petite, yet satisfying
like a clementine
Let me climb
From the nape of
your neck, to the concaves
of your navel
the nipple becomes stimuli
same as tip of a citron,
it's as stiff as your upper lip
fact is, I actually enjoy the
frame of your half-angry
scrunched up brow,
and sullen face- so
I will taste every cave
and hilltop of your landscape
until we've solved the case
of what either of us were even
pissed about
Waiting to mature, ripen
so you can put seeds to use
strike at my very weakest moment,
pummel me to pulp
and feed from my juice
the blood orange which drips
tries to figure the source
of differing opinions
not due to cultural clash
or language barriers
she doesn't speak Mandarin
but I let her know
if ever she'd fall, even in
crossfire of our differences
I would carry her
Tangors or yuzu, seem to be
most unusual
no label to the way we lead the
path to our future, but
even when rocky- I will only
choose the winding road
which will lead me back
to you
I won't allow a
single bruise to ever
grace your body,
swear I'm incapable
in any way of ever
truly hurting my muse
But tonight- let's not
fuss or fight
let's make Satsuma
infused love
Smoothie, creamsicle or sorbet
a lime-ice, lemonade
cocktail, jelly, compote, marmalade
Our mainframe whips itself
into a fury,
juicing, whirring, blending
as it spreads itself sticky
over the surface of us both
like some sweet syrup
a delicious, finger-licking
pleasure puree
Shall we set aside our disputes
and enjoy the fruits
of our labor
Together, taking all that
weights us down and
makes us anxious
Freshly squeezed- your
sense of passion and peace
our bond like
Vitamin C
because this love
is the only nutrient
that you or I
could ever need

(c) Paul LaTorre 2010
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