how was interstellar
flight? Through Orion's
belt- I see you're still
in orbit, kicking asteroid
ass; alive and well, without
any stray comet, fiery-taled
plotting to melt you on
return to noble Earth,
while in Aura-eyed
plain sight
All these kids we grew up with,
got lost in the cause
(We now know it as 'reality')
became clouded by dampened
thoughts of fucked up, torn &
crushed dreams,
cynics because they lost
the luster of 'what could be'
washing up on-shore, coral drying
and dying upon reaching the coast
of Greece
Celestial bodies, dancing
rhythmically to the beat of a
funky metronome
Our paths rest inside our dome
your future may only stretch so far
as one's ambition can roam
So wrote Sophocles:
"Wonders are many, and none is
more wonderful than man"
yet, quite contrary- we find
men to be most destructive
moreso than Gods, than demons
or the beasts roaming this land
The hand of Hyperion gives light-
an ion of sight to Eos- the dawn
which rises to greet all things
Antigone insists that we take
the River Ammites, but with reprieve
we could trek over Mount Olympus
& make it to the Adriatic Sea
Ptolemy brought me to
a common street block so you
could swap my colors 'round,
like a Rubix Cube- moving the
World with patterns elaborate
& mural-fused, so beautiful
you tell me of planets we can visit
far from both our moons- yet
Neptune's not nearly as cold
as Zeus alluded to
Blinding-bright stars that we know;
Poseidon, Triton, Thetis & Eros
made this miserable high-school like
building a place that was worth
attending daily to grow, and
somewhere you want to go back
a reunion of swagger, visit old halls
& of course- primp, brag and gloat
Asteria and Selene made night
skies serene; Apollo gave us
the chords for songs to follow,
as we hum and sing along with
Charite- so good hearted, donates
gifts, always to cherish and keep
Erato and Euterpe gave us means
to make poetry- recite, write, scribe
but like all given equations- with positive
outlook, there's negative minds that
bring unduly balance to every
sonnet, ballad, song & rhyme
Ursa Major- was a player,
ever since he was a minor
Echo spread his heckling
Hera shot me in the eye once
Hedone would secretly sneak
many warriors in her shack after class
Athena once challenged Hercules
to an intergender fight
Hermes always took to the wind,
stealing what he'd like at his whim
Hecate and Lamina- the two
vampires who drained this high
school of love & virtuous gifts
and necromania's all that remains
Aphrodite might be the one I
designated to be my future bride, but
now I realize not all is based upon
appearances- but what lies inside
I find that as we move- from students
of life; to tutors, leaders and rulers
that some were meant to sky-rocket
and some are better off
left burning in
the atmosphere
of our Universe-
it's better to shoot for your
passion and miss,
even if no guardian God is there,
reeling you in with their lasso
to never dream at all-
that's what it's like
to live life
in a Black Hole.

(c) Paul LaTorre 2010
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