I sit, calm…
Entrenched in leather love-seat
Remotely controlling
Episodic remnants
Of seasons past, rerunning
Clips rolling:
Dual sides, youth split;
mirrored glass beaming
Yellow, Red, Blue light particles
Bounce off screen and-
Unsure origin, visceral screaming…
Slapped ass, cut cord, emerge from the ER
Boy Meets World, fresh eyes
Never see far- but blank bracelets
Speak volumes of burden.
Three’s a Crowd- not Company,
Accidentally on Purpose.
Family Ties cut precise-
Deliberate slice,
by hand of a surgeon.
No Silver Spoon in mouth,
Dumped by Foster in Full House-
A Different World; half-hell
Never led to 7th Heaven.
Realizing there’s no rope from DYFS
Won’t be Saved by the Bell- I guess,
Grounded for Life,
I'll plot escape through
the deep ditch which I'd dig
as a grave.
Weeellll, this is no story, all about how my
Suite Life got flip, turned upside down…
And I’d like to take a minute just sit right there
I’ll tell you how to find purpose,
In these eyes you hold dear.
Locking eyes in Studio 9,
Saturday Night Live, she swallowed me.
Rocked my Third Rock from the Sun
With no apology, Sex in the City
Adrift in her Stargate…
Constellations of flesh, galaxies swept
Spin City 8 days straight.
Gilligan’s Island of delight
To ride comets, emit light,
Meteorites which ignite Days of Our Lives.
Our Odd Couple collides,
Each Honeymooner may find
Real World’s lies, but in
Paradise we inked wet Love Connection.
Knees met in a seascape…Finding Jeannie-
no mistake, but was it fate?
Better to smile, then fret over question.
Hung over from this ingestion,
Drunk from a Shot at Love
Now Jeopardy’s caught up with us,
No Nip/Tuck
to nip it in the bud.
Simply put, we’re just two kids-
Another unplanned life
Jeannie later than ever,
no aborting
Ditched town, hitchhike solo
Two flat Wheels of Fortune.
True Blood coagulates without Big Love
yet we remained very distant,
estranged Perfect Strangers(for what it was)
Swore I was sentenced to existence
Just the same I came in-
A Lone Ranger.
Suddenly awake in Sunnydale-
24 hour coma, still sleeping
Try to erase the mental tape,
Yet today I Dream of Jeannie.
In this vision she sits bare naked on a glacier.
In own blood dripping, undead screams-
Pumps her last breath right through Lu’s streams
A final push brings pilot for our Golden Girl.
Family Matters, now that I have one
Growing Pains, always have them-
But Wonder Years will be met
With Will & Grace, and aim for Happy Days.
Though not Married, With Children…
I love Lucy- even on newborn nights,
Young and Restless
We share these Good Times, you and I.
You teach me Facts of Life,
Through you I became a Family Guy.
True Life paved through one fabled mistake.
I feel blessed as Step by Step,
My seed Blossoms, taking shape.
Shades of Jeannie’s eyes,
And Lucy, only within you
I see my true Home Improvement.
(c)Paul LaTorre 2010
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