Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Come Hither

A useful tip for you, fingertips:
always pierce gloves
You may never feel warmth,
if you’ve never brushed love

Rubbing up
against the soft
slippery apricot pits,
taste the juice
over summer-soft fruit.

Dripping from the very
core of every tree,
never a lonely key
you ctrl, alt- delete…
you lather, rinse repeat
you knead
I need you
to sign a language unseen.

You- greatest conquest,
conjure up combinations
pointing to assign
blame for violation.

The very first- you,
Pioneer to feel the lips,
trace the warm iris
moistened island
moaning siren
too hard, climbing past
dry climates.

Flesh-wrought precision
Cross the border of Cali-
fornia cation
No cadence, I trace
the nape which sings
to depths never so tame,
yet taste same as when I
Came in.

Travel to heights
of climax, with steel
wrists tightening grip...
dizzying fragrance
nosebleed from anticipated
we glide,
no trip.

Listen, don’t give me
quips and qualms
not palms, nor knuckles
never knees
so weak
they buck in the tremble
these tips,
calm and supple.

You scraped plates
of the tastiest,
Most decadent dish
Always assured to
pull alarm at the sign
of smoke,
to build delicious
semi-sweet molten convictions.

Index slips,
curls so softly
reeling me in
demands I come, she asks
tour guideof divine atlas.

Tells me spots
to find
sensations to hit;
Why yes, finger tips,
I will do as you wish.

(c) Paul LaTorre 2010


  1. Mr. LaTorre I must say i really like this poem a lot. Although we havent met I feel somehow like I know you. You truly inspire me and the passion in this piece is super strong. Great imagery btw! Overall grt flow to it and a grt piece of art work! (as a side note we should hang out some time, I also write and would like to share it with you)

  2. Oh really? Ms. Gypsy- you sound like a quite delectable and deity-like young Goddess. Perhaps we should exchange numbers, and have a candlelit poetry reading...maybe where I could drip hot wax upon your navel along the way, or feed you apricots. Yes?

    (thank you for the compliments, by the way)
