Shared by she, I, and the sky
exposing our weak ends
without the ruse of subterfuge
diffuse masks, second dates make
minor time for guile or disguise
“There’s something in your eyes…is everything alright?
You look up to the sky, you long for something more…
A cirrus-cloud car island- engine on idle
paths which began a July
gone truthicidal
swap flowing facts
concurrent rivers, with currents
running deep as the Nile.
She, a Cleopatra- may that make me Caesar?
He, merely a passing lover
Will my pure passion sieze, then breed her
a Caesarion Son- or fashion me blood,
like that of Ptolemy the XIV- once husband
but born her younger brother
Octavian or Ptolemy XIII- two sworn enemies
Exiled her upon sight…no, she’s a true
Bastetian entity…a feline of divine right
Up there with Isis, Horus, Ra- all Gods
Alike; perhaps I’m the exception,
Meant to be her one Mark Antony?
Words springboarding off
the tip of two tongues- safely
divulged by my lungs
where I’ve nestled nectar
to pollenate and make their way
to her deserving eardrums.
Those lobes, house jewels
like clear chandeliers
hanging off the most ornately
designed elemental earrings
oak carved bracelets
which soak nature up like flames
“Give me your right hand, I think I understand…
Follow me and you will never have to wish again…”
I scoot close, passenger seat rush
Shotgun-crush never spelled lust like this
as shells dissolve into the sky-lite
atmosphere, canvas-brushed
Fireworks erupt, illustrating glowing fluorescence
No one’s fallen in ‘like’, like us
suffering, in the subtle sense
may be some couple’s source
of sustenance, we find strength
in stories told of smashed hope
misplaced affection, all our lives
beaten hearts by their lies
Sticks and stones may splinter bones
yet word-wounds never heal completely
so she & I compare our marks
her scar tissue completes me.
Completely deconstructed,
but trust- I find immaculate
beauty in the break-down
treated always as toy,
I assured her
heart would never be
my playground
long as she stays around
REAL- yes, I meant it
a passion surreal, and soft
to the touch as velvet
these collagen petals which
simple minds would define
as two-lips
“Tell me how you feel, and if I'm getting near
I'll tell you where to steer; You tell me where to steer…
We left Barnes, of the Noble
with Tazo teas, teasing our tastebuds
Internal hymns sing in my head-
I hope my fragrance to be the
only one she ever seeks
So this buzzing bee
says to me- "I had a really greattime tonight..."
yet I form no reply,
can't speak when my mind’s
adrift in the tides of her eyes
The creases of her smile,
her knees which never kneel
yet my attention, venus fly-trapped
by a pair of lips
I only imagine must feel,
like winds
abrush Phoenix-fire wings
“I will leave you satisfied, forever past time…
You don't have to hide- you're free to fly…”
like the first slumber
that follows sunburn
search for the cooling calm
which only your sheets offer
palm trees to bear shade
to our aloe-draped dreams
On one leg, we hop about
thumping to pounce out
all our aqueous fears,
stuck in our head
like swimmer's ear
we emerge from the deep end
and leak our sins to a pool
Flashes forward- I see a long, winding
road where we provide our kids with
a future their own,
views unskewed by
limits or roles,
religious or critically capped
in this altruistic,
artisan castle of ours
kaleidoscope of colors
and craft
“You don't have to look up at the stars no-no-no-no
I know by the end of tonight we're looking down upon them from heaven…”
With hesitation evaporating
no time for internal debate
song playing-
"There's something in your eyes..."
closing mine, deep breath taken-
tiptoe the edge, with puckered
lips, hands nervously shaking
moment's mine to embrace
prepared to dive
into one final
first kiss.

(c)Paul LaTorre 2010
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