This first session of
couple's therapy
troubleshooting just how
this relationship's plague
escalated, reaching
its trembling peak
we find ourselves
knee deep in this war zone
of whipping words currently
See these two star-crossed
learners met three point-five
years ago at a convention
discussing medical ethics
they found a storybook connection
took to each other quickly
latched lips and never let go
Yet today all we observe is
fighting, clawing, scratching
and returning back and forth as if
this were a tennis match
opposition on a court,
made of clay or grass
all Phil can do is receive,
while she serves
Yes these two young lovers
always argue, to a fault
with their shouting matches,
can cause quite a racquet
with the line judge watching,
their therapeutic debate
somewhere along Wimbledon's
stage, our couple got caught in
the net with their scorching claims
some threats which the doctor surveys
come to fruition with the flames
heaven or hell be damned,
these two would be the reason
to bring a close to the grand slam
See, unlike a tennis game-
it's hard to define the way they
volley, both play rough
because when deadlocked
at 0- so impossible to say it's
Hard to split blame, and detach
when it's Game-set-match
Because Phillip NEEDS proof
to call something truth
he is a logical thinker
Yet Sophy's more the type
to invest in hope with eyes closed
doesn't question her creator
As you could guess, when it
comes to a test of will, like faith
and religion-
they never align or coincide
he's an Atheist
she an Evangelist
seeing eye-to-eye on things
like the Earth's genesis
or if our architect has abandoned us
is not something this
loving duo could do
Sophy strongly pleads-
"Honey, what if God was
one of us?"
Phil softly remarks- quite scoffingly,
"Well, he'd probably look exactly
like Liam Neeson
with the voice of Morgan Freeman...
but I guess he'd ditch the
white robe, so we couldn't easily
disturb him on quiet evenings...""Har-har, that's hilarious- just remember
to keep cracking jokes when
you're rotting in eternal
hellfire with all of your fellow
Always offering opposing sides
of the spectrum, intricate theories of
"Who are we, and how'd we truly
come to be?"
As higher functioning monkeys
both fighting over the highest
branch of their humble apartment's
"Sophy- Pythagoras and Cicero
formed all we study and see, they changed
the label from 'wisemen' to philosophers
took Aristotle and Heraclitus'
sophist dictations in times of the
Athenian Democracy
Socrates was a king, of the mind
when speaking
Yet when climbing out from
a lit-flame cave of ignorance, even
enlightened eyes may take
time to adjust, to
seeing the light
Knowledge is a fruit that can be
sour on first bite
But as an acquired taste, it grows
sweeter with every discussion,
debacle, question, or fight-
you'll only find truth
if you commit to never accepting
simple 'yes' and 'no'...""Ummm, yeah...ok Phillip
so suppose we form our everyday
decisions around the ideals of
some old dead dude like Socrates"
"You're right, it's wiser and more
cerbral,too, to pause when the wicked
world is defeating you- and simply ask
'What Would Jesus Do?!?
Plato is so much more
than the dough you molded
as a kid,
he was the first forward thinker
paving way for
Descartes, John Locke,
Zen, Bushido, Confucian theory & Taoism
Rousseau and Sigmund Freud
so many who filled a void
whom shaped all modern ideals
defining every term by which
we live
Karl Marx started a socialist party,
led an entire government-gutting
mind raving, war raping and
red flag waving revolution!""Fine, let's total radicals
local activists then, take our
children's college fund and spend
it on some plane tickets
Hit Nicaragua, take the easy way out
No bad deed, when done for
the greater good- all our worries
can end then..."
But it all came to a crashing halt
when Phil found out that
one major piece of intel
was kept from him all along
some malfunctioning fatal flaw,
her beliefs led her to be someone
she never dreamed- a monster,
life thief
Sophy was three months carrying
this tiny embryo,
an egg in her womb
the fetus fused by both these two,
yet still unmarried- to boot,
knew if stomach showed through
while unmarried, her parents would
reject them in sin,
say no child of theirs could bear
out of wedlock- with the watching
judgmental eyes of the Virgin Mary
it was Sophy's choice- but she acted
without consulting Phil until
the day which followed
the abortion
Vomiting sick, with Phil comforting-
though disgusted by her act, no tact
in her not even asking what
state of mind her boyfriend was at,
he'd serve the last crippling shot
from a penn or wilson ball
which would cross the line and
end it all
Packing, he left the house-
that day losing the love of his
life, and also his woman
Knowing every time he looked into
her eyes, he'd see their unborn child's
iris color of hazel/blue combined,
and he couldn't
Is it better to live with dispute,
constant argument, fallout, disagreement
should we discuss and decide
when beliefs battle-clash
and cause internal bleeding?
Is family worth abandoning
because isolated idealism led us
to question our ethics
all I know, is Phil and Sophy
could have corrected
the moral plight, start over and
do it right, with appreciation
for each other not think only of
what their values suggest
Being kind to one another,
talking out scuffles and blunders,
with humble understanding
think of what they would want
not just what you want
from them
Never lose the trail to
what makes two happy
because of religion or some
society's judgment
It's better to die trying
than to live with regret
to lose fighting,
than forefeit trying
due to pride and mindset
compromise, let love decide
and you can form
your own philosophy

(c) Paul LaTorre 2010